
Thursday, April 24, 2008

The 12 Golden Rules for MPs

The elections have come and gone and we now have 222 MPs to represent us in Parliament. This time round, we have a lot of new faces who are first time MPs while there is also a good number of MPs who have served several terms (including those who have served too many terms).

Irrespective of whether they are old or new faces, what these 222 people do or don't do will affect the future of the country and all Malaysians. While, they as MPs, should know how to play their proper role (otherwise, they're not fit for the position), it is nevertheless worthwhile highlighting to them what the Rakyat expects of them, just to make sure that we are all on the same page.

I've listed down here my expectations which I've called the "The 12 Golden Rules for MPs" and I hope MT readers can chip in with what else they think should be included in order that we would have fully effective MPs who would do a brilliant job to progress the country. Following that, perhaps MT or RPK can formalize a proper, official document to submit to all these MPs so that "due notice has been served on them".

Here's my list of the "Golden Rules" :

  1. You report to the Rakyat, not your party leader or coalition leader or any other bosses. Just to "repeat one more time", you report to the Rakyat.

  2. The word "MP" does not mean "Many Perks" or "Master of the People". It stands for "Most Principled" ( It would also help greatly if you are also "Most Pleasant" as a person). For an MP, it's a privilege to serve and it's not privileges from serving.

  3. Don't just talk; let us see positive action as well. We don't need any more hot air – the millions of cars on the roads and all the factories around produce enough of that already.

  4. Like gold, your performance must shine. Being an MP is like running a maternity ward or a courier company --- you have to deliver. We did not put you there to make the numbers or to warm the seat in Parliament. Chair warming is just as serious an issue as global warming. MPs who just warm their seats will soon find their asses on fire.

  5. No, we don't expect you to die for the country (because we know yours is an undying love) but we expect you to be committed and to work hard as well. This is not an unreasonable expectation because the future of the country and the welfare of more than 25 million people depend on what you do or don't do.

  6. We do not require you to have the intelligence of a rocket scientist but you need to be well-informed on issues and you must also have the pulse on what is going on. (This is just in case we are being observed by some extra terrestrials and we need to uphold "Malaysia Boleh" and show them that there are signs of intelligent life forms in the Malaysian Parliament ).

  7. Your words must be worth their weight in gold. And don't ever forget your election promises. We are not saints who will forgive and forget.

  8. We need you to be accessible so that we can raise issues and give feedback to you. MPs must not be like the Olympics that you get to see only once in every 4 years.

  9. You do not need to outdo Mother Theresa to be a living saint but MPs must have a certain "gold standard of behaviour" and have the proper decorum, especially in Parliament. People who cannot fit into the shoes of a good and respectable MP will definitely get the boot.

  10. Always remember the "Yes" and "No" principle – you say "Yes" to all those things that are good for the country and benefit the rakyat while you firmly say "No" to all those things that don't. It's as simple as that.

  11. Don't ever misappropriate our gold.

  12. Finally," NO", you cannot bend the above rules. Remember, they are golden rules, not made of rubber.

By Political Doctor

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