On 15th April 2008 at 11am, Mrs Kalaivani mother of Mr Uthayakumar Human Rights defender and a Prisoner of Conscience is going to personally appeal to the PM YAB Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, in Putra Jaya to seek a thorough medical check-up at IJN for her son.
Mr Uthaya Kumar has been detained at Kamunting Detention Center according to Wikipedia "It is alleged that this is the site where the Malaysian authorities would hold up political prisoners, usually from the opposition, and conduct torture against detainees". Mr Uthaya Kumar has been interned here with four other lawyers, since 13th December under the draconian Internal Security Act (ISA) which allows for imprisonment without trial.
Now knowing the track record of our Prime Minister one can very well guess the outcome of this meeting, lets trace back a bit to when little 5 year old Vaishnawi daughter of Waytha Murthy asked to meet up with the PM to give him a rose, and ask for the release of her 5 "uncles' in jail. Remember what our PM said said, "what for? why should I meet up at any Hindraf event?
Then when Vaishnawi, her friends along with their Moms met up on Saturday 16th February, how well they were treated with heavily armed FRU, women and children were gassed in the face with tear gas and sprayed acid waters jetted from the water cannons? This rally did not get its name Guns and Roses for nothing!!
Almost 2 months down the line, we now see Vaishnawi's Grandmother and Uthayakumar's mother, Mrs Kalaivani, going out to meet up with our PM, wonder what treatment he will grant her? As a mother, I am trying to imagine the agony, pain and grief she must be going through each day!! Infact as his mother she must feel as tortured as he is since he was taken into custody that fateful day of 13th December 2007. To make matters worse he's a diabetic and has been in hospital twice and released without adequate medical care.
What administration, what government will deprive, its citizens, even if they are prisoners, the most basic and humane medical treatment? After all Mr Uthaya Kumar is not a criminal, he has not caused murder or harmed anyone. Legally speaking and by virtue that Uthaya Kumar has not even being accorded a trail in court, unless proved guilty, he is as innocent as a baby!!
For the past month Mr Uthaya Kumar's diabetic medication and diet has been wilfully withheld from him by the prison authorities. This has resulted in his sugar levels shooting up and being erratic, his heartbeat is not at all normal and his brother Mr Waythamurthy believes that he could have suffered a silent heart attack.
Now, lets examine the fears of this mother. By depriving Mr Uthaya Kumar of his medication and diet, his uric acid and protein levels are rather high and he could even end up going blind or go into kidney failure and really no one would want him to land up with a stroke, without proper medication and diet with such high sugar levels anything could happen.
His mother is probably fearful that the government and prison authorities are deliberating trying to murder her son, due to the fact that he has garnered so much support for the Hindraf Movement. Surely in the back of the mind of this sixty four year old mother is the fear that this is a plot for revenge taken by the Government for its poor showing in the 12th General Election? We all know that Hindraf played a major role in the downfall of the MIC and likewise the incumbent coalition ruling party.
Really, the public are now crying foul, yes you don't see this in the main stream newspapers, but the blogs are discussing this and people have even made police reports and are now mulling on taking the Doctor assigned to Mr Uthayakumar, to court for negligence, likewise the Superintendent of the Prison and the Internal Security minister.
Hey, you guys better know that by deliberately refusing medication and treatment, you are putting Uthayakumar's life in danger. Do you realise that you are placing yourself in the line for premeditated murder?
One good Samaritan has even volunteered to pay for Uthaya kumar's medical expenses at IJN. Though by right he is being kept in custody, courtesy of the government, it is only fair that his medical treatment should be borne by them.
However by virtue that the majority of the Rakyat (not counting those foreigners with fake ICs whose votes got counted by default in East Malaysia) have lost all faith, trust and confidence in this government, it is best that we the people, pay for Uthaya Kumar's medical treatment.
Now will the authorities be more humane and allow for Mr Uthaya Kumar to be thoroughly checked at IJN and be given proper medical treatment?
There is no point of talking of Guantanamo Bay when we have one right here in our midst. Otherwise we people will have to follow Mrs Kalaivani to Putra Jaya on 15th April 2008 at 11am.
But really, isn't it time for you to release all ISA prisoners, do something now Mr Prime Minster, be the leader the people elected you to be and prove to us that you are a leader of good conscience and release all prisoners under ISA.
For those of you who are not acquainted with what happens to our ISA prisoners, you can read the full account here
For Mrs Kalaivani, mother of Uthaya Kumar, the prayers of many are with you M'am, for only you will know the anguish of a Mother whose sick son is in the hands of the merciless authorities.
Jabins - Seeking Humane Treatment for Prisoners of Conscience
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